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  • Committee Structure

    Governors’ Committee Structure 2023-24

    The Governing Body of Devonshire Primary School has a structure whereby every governor (excluding the Site Manager) is a member of the Full Governing Body Committee.

    Chair of Governors: Emma Lavery

    Vice-Chair: Anne Arnold

    Clerk to the Governors: Lynn Atkins

    The Full Governing Body oversees our main committees listed in the following table:-


    Chair Remit of Committee
    Finance Anne Arnold Oversees the financial performance of the school and ensures value for money
    Premises Amin Mirza Oversees matters relating to school premises
    Personnel & Pay Emma Lavery  Oversees personnel and pay matters
    Teaching & Learning Jack Wadman Oversees the monitoring of school performance and improvement
    Headteacher Performance Development Emma Lavery Responsible for Headteacher performance development

    We also have various ad-hoc working groups, committees or panels on a specific issue as required (for example pupil exclusion).

    Governor membership of main committees:-

    Governor Name Committee Membership
    Anne Arnold Finance (chair), Personnel & Pay (vice chair), Teaching & Learning, Headteacher Performance Development
    Jenny Brooks Teaching & Learning, Premises
    Colin Iddles Finance, Premises
    Harriet Kenney Finance, Teaching & Learning (vice chair)
    Emma Lavery  Headteacher Performance Development (chair), Personnel & Pay (chair), Teaching & Learning (vice chair)
    Amin Mirza Premises (chair), Finance
    Fiona Oastler Member of all committees (excluding Headteacher Performance Development which she attends in an official capacity)
    Cecile Odent Finance, Premises
    Charlotte King Teaching & Learning
    Jack Wadman Teaching & Learning