Children's well-being is so important. Within our staff team, we have a pastoral team, who provide interventions to support children's well-being. The pastoral team have a wealth of knowledge, experience and resources that they use when working with children. Our team includes a family support worker, ELSAs (emotional literacy support assistants), a play therapist and a nurture teaching assistant and they work with children on an individual basis or groups of children. It very much depends on each child's individual needs and how we feel that they are best met.
If you have any concerns about your child's well-being, please speak to their class teacher or email our family support worker, Mrs Carter-Hodge.
Come and have a coffee and biscuit with us
Every half term, we have a well-being coffee afternoon, which all our parents/carers are invited to.
Their aim is always to support well-being, through the information that is provided at the session but also through giving parents/carers the opportunity to meet with other families and Mrs Carter-Hodge, our family support worker. Each coffee afternoon has a specific theme, based on what parents/carers are telling us that they need support with. We often invite external speakers to the sessions. A clinical psychologist from CAMHS, our attached early help co-ordinator from the Family Hub, our attached educational well-being practitioner and the school’s educational psychologist have recently attended one of our well-being coffee afternoons.
Parents/carers who attend find the session very useful. It helps them to support their child’s well-being and is an opportunity to meet others -the specialists but also parents/carers who they have formed friendships with.
Details of the well-being coffee afternoons are emailed out to all families. Everyone is welcome!