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  • Remote Education

    Catch-up funding

    Catch-up funding is allocated to the school, £80 per child which for Devonshire equates to just over £50,000. This is for the school to spend strategically on specific activities to support children to catch up on the loss of teaching over the previous months. Schools have flexibility to spend the funding in the way that they feel best, according to their cohort and circumstances. Anecdotally, we know that children having a small amount of time spent working regularly (several times a week) with an adult that knows them well is an approach that works best for our children. Therefore, we intend to use the funding to provide interventions that are very specific to children’s needs and are organised using this approach. These will take place in addition to the children’s daily maths and English lessons.

    Examples of activities include:

    • A catch-up programme of daily maths and English lessons for a group of Y6 children; 
    • Increasing our use of precision teaching, an intervention run by TAs who regularly work with children on an element of their learning and over a specific timescale;
    • Releasing teachers to spend time in the afternoon with children who have demonstrated misconceptions in the morning’s maths lesson;
    • Releasing teachers to spend time with specific children prior to a lesson where this will support their attainment and progress in the lesson;
    • Employing our TAs for additional hours to extend the quantity and range of interventions that we are able to offer to the children; and
    • Providing training for our TAs to be able to effectively work on an increased range of interventions.

    Class teachers will identify the children who would benefit from additional support and we will ensure that the interventions target their need and have a clear intended outcome on their learning.

    We will continue to review the way that we are spending the catch-up funding, monitoring the impact of the interventions that are in place.