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Devonshire Primary School

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Link Governor Responsibilities

Link Governor Roles 2023-24


Most governors have a link governor role which involves them formally visiting the school to meet with relevant staff member(s) and, where possible and appropriate, see their area ‘in action’ within the school day. Governors are then expected to give feedback to the rest of the Governing Body on what they saw and learnt. The roles align with current school priorities.


The Teaching and Learning Committee (a sub Committee of the Full Governing Body) are collectively responsible for monitoring the school’s quality of education, which includes curriculum intent, implementation and impact.


The Full Governing Body reviews the school’s annual data results at a dedicated meeting at the start of the school year. Data and assessment discussions and monitoring, including understanding the processes, key messages and actions or provisions subsequently put in place, then continue primarily via the Teaching and Learning Committee but also in ad hoc discussions with school staff as required.

Link governor role

Name of Governor


Areas covered


Safeguarding and attendance

Lead -

Jenny Brooks


Deputy - Colin Iddles


Safeguarding and attendance (including Safer Internet)

Leadership and management


Anne Arnold


Special educational needs, provision mapping, Pupil Premium, equality.

Quality of Education

Early Years Foundation Stage

Cecile Odent

Jyothi Gopalli

Ongoing -

focus of OFSTED

Early Years -curriculum and attainment

Quality of Education

Wellbeing and mental health

Emma Lavery

Ongoing – focus of OFSTED

PSHE, wellbeing

Personal Development

Leadership and Management

Behaviour and attitudes


Colin Iddles

Ongoing -

focus of OFSTED

Behaviour, attitude to learning, pupil engagement

Behaviour and attitudes

Health and safety

Amin Mirza

Ongoing – link to Premises Committee

Health and safety

Leadership and management

Engagement and communication

Jenny Brooks (end July 24)

Harriet Kenney

Charlotte King (from July 24)

SDP priority 


Strategic engagement and communications with families; Link to Leading Parent Partnership Award

Leadership and management

Personal Development including enrichment, creativity and British Values


Harriet Kenney

SDP priority  (curriculum and engagement)


Ongoing – focus of OFSTED

OPAL, outdoor learning, Sports Premium, enriching opportunities that enhance learning including school visits

Personal Development

Quality of Education

Leadership and



Amin Mirza

SDP priority

Premises, pupil and wider community engagement

Leadership and management, Personal Development

Governor CPD

Charlotte King


Promoting and monitoring governor CPD, evaluation of governor CPD

Leadership and management

Specific projects within the school development priorities

As needed

Ongoing but the focus will change




Updated 27th June 2024
